Sam Car Insurance Form
Please fill out the form with correct information.
What is The Registration?
What is The Registration?
What is The Car Value? *
What is Car Value?
Do you have the car yet? *
When did you buy the car?
How do you want to use the car?
Social Only
Social & Commuting
Business use by you
What type of cover do you need?
Full comprehensive
3rd party, fire & theft
3rd party only
Personal Information
What is your title?
Select Your Title
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Material Status:
Select Your Material Status
Do you have any under 16 years old children?
House or street number and name :
What is your job?:
When did you start living in UK?
Since Birth
From Date
When did you start living in the UK?
License Information
What is your License type?
Select Your License Type
Full UK Manual
Full UK Automatic
UK Provisional (L Only)
Full Euro
Date of Pass:
Your license number:
Did you have any accidents (fault or non-fault), Theft, Fire, Storm, Flood or vandalism damage in the last 5 years?
Add 1st Accident:
What kind of incident or claim was it?
Please Select Option
Accident At Fault
Accident Not At Fault
Accident Both Parties At Fault (50-50)
Not Settled Accident
Vandalism Damage
Wind Screen Cover
Incident Date:
Total Claim Cost:
Do you want to add another accident?
What kind of incident or claim was it?
Please Select Option
Accident At Fault
Accident Not At Fault
Accident Both Parties At Fault (50-50)
Not Settled Accident
Vandalism Damage
Wind Screen Cover
Incident Date:
Total Claim Cost:
Did you have any points or disqualification in the last 5 years?
1st Offence:
What is the DVLA offence code?
Please Select Option
AC10 - Failing to stop after an accident
AC12 - Aiding and abetting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC14 - Causing or permitting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC16 - Inciting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC20 - Failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC22 - Aiding and abetting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC24 - Causing or permitting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC26 - Inciting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC30 - Undefined accident offences
AC32 - Aiding and abetting AC30 undefined accident offences
AC34 - Causing or permitting AC30 undefined accident offences
AC36 - Inciting AC30 undefined accident offences
BA10 - Driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA12 - Aiding and abetting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA14 - Causing or permitting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA16 - Inciting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA20 - Driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA22 - Aiding and abetting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA24 - Causing or permitting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA26 - Inciting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA30 - Attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA32 - Aiding and abetting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA34 - Causing or permitting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA36 - Inciting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
CD10 - Driving without due care and attention
CD12 - Aiding and abetting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD14 - Causing or permitting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD16 - Inciting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD20 - Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD22 - Aiding and abetting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD24 - Causing or permitting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD26 - Inciting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD30 - Driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD32 - Aiding and abetting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD34 - Causing or permitting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD36 - Inciting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD40 - Causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD42 - Aiding and abetting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD44 - Causing or permitting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD46 - Inciting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD50 - Causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD52 - Aiding and abetting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD54 - Causing or permitting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD56 - Inciting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD60 - Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD62 - Aiding and abetting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD64 - Causing or permitting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD66 - Inciting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD70 - Cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD71 - Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis
CD72 - Aiding and abetting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD74 - Causing or permitting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD76 - Inciting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD80 - Causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving
CD90 - Causing death by driving unlicensed, uninsured or disqualified"
CU10 - Using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU12 - Aiding and abetting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU14 - Causing or permitting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU16 - Inciting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU20 - Use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU22 - Aiding and abetting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU24 - Causing or permitting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU26 - Inciting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU30 - Using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU32 - Aiding and abetting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU34 - Causing or permitting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU36 - Inciting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU40 - Using a vehicle with defective steering
CU42 - Aiding and abetting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU44 - Causing or permitting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU46 - Inciting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU50 - Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU52 - Aiding and abetting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU54 - Causing or permitting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU56 - Inciting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU60 - An undefined construction and use conviction
CU62 - Aiding and abetting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU64 - Causing or permitting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU66 - Inciting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU80 - Use of a hand held device whilst driving
CU84 - Causing or permitting the use of a hand held device whilst driving
DD10 - Driving in a dangerous manner
DD12 - Aiding and abetting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD14 - Causing or permitting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD16 - Inciting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD40 - Dangerous driving
DD42 - Aiding and abetting DD40 dangerous driving
DD44 - Causing or permitting DD40 dangerous driving
DD46 - Inciting DD40 dangerous driving
DD50 - Causing death by dangerous driving
DD52 - Aiding and abetting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD54 - Causing or permitting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD56 - Inciting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD60 - Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD62 - Aiding and abetting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD64 - Causing or permitting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD66 - Inciting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD70 - Causing death by reckless driving
DD72 - Aiding and abetting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD74 - Causing or permitting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD76 - Inciting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD80 - Causing death by dangerous driving
DD82 - Aiding and abetting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD84 - Causing or permitting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD86 - Inciting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD90 - Furious driving
DD92 - Aiding and abetting DD90 furious driving
DD94 - Causing or permitting DD90 furious driving
DD96 - Inciting DD90 furious driving
DG10 - Driving with drug level above specified limit
DG12 - Aiding and abetting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG14 - Causing or permitting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG16 - Inciting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG40 - In charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG42 - Aiding and abetting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG44 - Causing or permitting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG46 - Inciting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG60 - Causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG62 - Aiding and abetting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG64 - Causing or permitting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG66 - Inciting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DR10 - Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR12 - Aiding and abetting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR14 - Causing or permitting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR16 - Inciting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR20 - Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR22 - Aiding and abetting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR24 - Causing or permitting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR26 - Inciting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR30 - Driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR31 - Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis
DR32 - Aiding and abetting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR34 - Causing or permitting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR36 - Inciting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR40 - In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR42 - Aiding and abetting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR44 - Causing or permitting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR46 - Inciting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR50 - In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR52 - Aiding and abetting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR54 - Causing or permitting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR56 - Inciting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR60 - In charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR61 - Failure to provide a specimen for drug analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive
DR62 - Aiding and abetting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR64 - Causing or permitting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR66 - Inciting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR70 - Failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR72 - Aiding and abetting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR74 - Causing or permitting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR76 - Inciting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR80 - Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR82 - Aiding and abetting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR84 - Causing or inciting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR86 - Inciting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR90 - In charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR92 - Aiding and abetting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR94 - Causing or permitting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR96 - Inciting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
IN10 - Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN12 - Aiding and abetting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN14 - Causing or permitting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN16 - Inciting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
LC20 - Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC22 - Aiding and abetting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC24 - Causing permitting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC26 - Inciting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC30 - Driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC32 - Aiding and abetting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC34 - Causing or permitting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC36 - Inciting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC40 - Driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC42 - Aiding and abetting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC44 - Causing or permitting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC46 - Inciting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC50 - Driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC52 - Aiding and abetting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC54 - Causing or permitting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC56 - Inciting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
MR09 - Disqualification due to reckless and dangerous driving
MR19 - Disqualification due to wilful failure to carry out the obligation placed on drivers after being involved in road accidents
MR29 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other substance affecting the mental and physical abilities
MR39 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle faster than permitted speed
MR49 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle whilst disqualified
MR59 - Disqualification due to other conduct constituting an offence for which a driving disqualification has been imposed for 6 or more months
MS10 - Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS12 - Aiding and abetting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS14 - Causing or permitting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS16 - Inciting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS20 - Unlawful pillion riding
MS22 - Aiding and abetting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS24 - Causing or permitting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS26 - Inciting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS30 - Play street offences
MS32 - Aiding and abetting MS30 play street offences
MS34 - Causing or permitting MS30 play street offences
MS36 - Inciting MS30 play street offences
MS40 - Driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS42 - Aiding and abetting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS44 - Causing or permitting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS46 - Inciting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS50 - Motor racing on the highway
MS52 - Aiding and abetting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS54 - Causing or permitting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS56 - Inciting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS60 - Offences not covered by other codes
MS62 - Aiding and abetting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS64 - Causing or permitting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS66 - Inciting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS70 - Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS72 - Aiding and abetting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS74 - Causing or permitting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS76 - Inciting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS80 - Refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS82 - Aiding and abetting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS84 - Causing or permitting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS86 - Inciting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS90 - Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS92 - Aiding and abetting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS94 - Causing or permitting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS96 - Inciting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MW10 - Contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW12 - Aiding and abetting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW14 - Causing or permitting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW16 - Inciting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
PC10 - Undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC12 - Aiding and abetting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC14 - Causing or permitting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC16 - Inciting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC20 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC22 - Aiding and abetting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC24 - Causing or permitting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC26 - Inciting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC30 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC32 - Aiding and abetting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC34 - Causing or permitting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC36 - Inciting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PL40 - Drawing unauthorised trailer
PL42 - Aiding and abetting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL44 - Causing or permitting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL46 - Inciting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL50 - Undefined provisional offence
PL52 - Aiding and abetting PL50 undefined provisional offence
PL54 - Causing or permitting PL50 undefined provisional offence
PL56 - Inciting PL50 undefined provisional offence
SP10 - Exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP12 - Aiding and abetting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP14 - Causing or permitting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP16 - Inciting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP20 - Exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP22 - Aiding and abetting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP24 - Causing or permitting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP26 - Inciting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP30 - Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP32 - Aiding and abetting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP34 - Causing or permitting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP36 - Inciting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP40 - Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP42 - Aiding and abetting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP44 - Causing or permitting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP46 - Inciting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP50 - Exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP52 - Aiding and abetting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP54 - Causing or permitting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP56 - Inciting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
TS10 - Failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS12 - Aiding and abetting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS14 - Causing or permitting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS16 - Inciting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS20 - Failing to comply with double white lines
TS22 - Aiding and abetting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS24 - Causing or permitting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS26 - Inciting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS30 - Failing to comply with stop sign
TS32 - Aiding and abetting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS34 - Causing or permitting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS36 - Inciting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS40 - Failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS42 - Aiding and abetting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS44 - Causing or permitting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS46 - Inciting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS50 - Failing to comply with traffic sign
TS52 - Aiding and abetting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS54 - Causing or permitting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS56 - Inciting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS60 - Failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS62 - Aiding and abetting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS64 - Causing or permitting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS66 - Inciting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS70 - Undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS72 - Aiding and abetting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS74 - Causing or permitting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS76 - Inciting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TT99 - Totting up disqualification when total points reach 12 or more
UT10 - Taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT12 - Aiding and abetting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT14 - Causing or permitting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT16 - Inciting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT30 - Going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT32 - Aiding and abetting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT34 - Causing or permitting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT36 - Inciting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT50 - Aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT52 - Aiding and abetting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT54 - Causing or permitting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT56 - Inciting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
When did the Offence happen?
Points incurred:
Did you pay a fine?
How many months were you banned?
Do you want to add another offence?
What is the DVLA offence code?
Please Select Option
AC10 - Failing to stop after an accident
AC12 - Aiding and abetting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC14 - Causing or permitting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC16 - Inciting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC20 - Failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC22 - Aiding and abetting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC24 - Causing or permitting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC26 - Inciting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC30 - Undefined accident offences
AC32 - Aiding and abetting AC30 undefined accident offences
AC34 - Causing or permitting AC30 undefined accident offences
AC36 - Inciting AC30 undefined accident offences
BA10 - Driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA12 - Aiding and abetting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA14 - Causing or permitting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA16 - Inciting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA20 - Driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA22 - Aiding and abetting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA24 - Causing or permitting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA26 - Inciting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA30 - Attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA32 - Aiding and abetting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA34 - Causing or permitting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA36 - Inciting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
CD10 - Driving without due care and attention
CD12 - Aiding and abetting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD14 - Causing or permitting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD16 - Inciting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD20 - Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD22 - Aiding and abetting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD24 - Causing or permitting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD26 - Inciting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD30 - Driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD32 - Aiding and abetting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD34 - Causing or permitting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD36 - Inciting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD40 - Causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD42 - Aiding and abetting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD44 - Causing or permitting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD46 - Inciting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD50 - Causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD52 - Aiding and abetting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD54 - Causing or permitting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD56 - Inciting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD60 - Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD62 - Aiding and abetting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD64 - Causing or permitting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD66 - Inciting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD70 - Cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD71 - Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis
CD72 - Aiding and abetting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD74 - Causing or permitting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD76 - Inciting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD80 - Causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving
CD90 - Causing death by driving unlicensed, uninsured or disqualified"
CU10 - Using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU12 - Aiding and abetting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU14 - Causing or permitting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU16 - Inciting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU20 - Use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU22 - Aiding and abetting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU24 - Causing or permitting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU26 - Inciting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU30 - Using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU32 - Aiding and abetting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU34 - Causing or permitting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU36 - Inciting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU40 - Using a vehicle with defective steering
CU42 - Aiding and abetting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU44 - Causing or permitting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU46 - Inciting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU50 - Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU52 - Aiding and abetting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU54 - Causing or permitting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU56 - Inciting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU60 - An undefined construction and use conviction
CU62 - Aiding and abetting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU64 - Causing or permitting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU66 - Inciting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU80 - Use of a hand held device whilst driving
CU84 - Causing or permitting the use of a hand held device whilst driving
DD10 - Driving in a dangerous manner
DD12 - Aiding and abetting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD14 - Causing or permitting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD16 - Inciting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD40 - Dangerous driving
DD42 - Aiding and abetting DD40 dangerous driving
DD44 - Causing or permitting DD40 dangerous driving
DD46 - Inciting DD40 dangerous driving
DD50 - Causing death by dangerous driving
DD52 - Aiding and abetting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD54 - Causing or permitting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD56 - Inciting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD60 - Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD62 - Aiding and abetting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD64 - Causing or permitting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD66 - Inciting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD70 - Causing death by reckless driving
DD72 - Aiding and abetting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD74 - Causing or permitting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD76 - Inciting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD80 - Causing death by dangerous driving
DD82 - Aiding and abetting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD84 - Causing or permitting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD86 - Inciting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD90 - Furious driving
DD92 - Aiding and abetting DD90 furious driving
DD94 - Causing or permitting DD90 furious driving
DD96 - Inciting DD90 furious driving
DG10 - Driving with drug level above specified limit
DG12 - Aiding and abetting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG14 - Causing or permitting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG16 - Inciting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG40 - In charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG42 - Aiding and abetting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG44 - Causing or permitting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG46 - Inciting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG60 - Causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG62 - Aiding and abetting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG64 - Causing or permitting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG66 - Inciting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DR10 - Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR12 - Aiding and abetting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR14 - Causing or permitting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR16 - Inciting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR20 - Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR22 - Aiding and abetting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR24 - Causing or permitting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR26 - Inciting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR30 - Driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR31 - Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis
DR32 - Aiding and abetting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR34 - Causing or permitting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR36 - Inciting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR40 - In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR42 - Aiding and abetting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR44 - Causing or permitting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR46 - Inciting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR50 - In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR52 - Aiding and abetting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR54 - Causing or permitting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR56 - Inciting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR60 - In charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR61 - Failure to provide a specimen for drug analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive
DR62 - Aiding and abetting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR64 - Causing or permitting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR66 - Inciting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR70 - Failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR72 - Aiding and abetting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR74 - Causing or permitting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR76 - Inciting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR80 - Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR82 - Aiding and abetting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR84 - Causing or inciting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR86 - Inciting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR90 - In charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR92 - Aiding and abetting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR94 - Causing or permitting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR96 - Inciting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
IN10 - Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN12 - Aiding and abetting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN14 - Causing or permitting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN16 - Inciting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
LC20 - Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC22 - Aiding and abetting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC24 - Causing permitting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC26 - Inciting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC30 - Driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC32 - Aiding and abetting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC34 - Causing or permitting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC36 - Inciting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC40 - Driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC42 - Aiding and abetting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC44 - Causing or permitting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC46 - Inciting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC50 - Driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC52 - Aiding and abetting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC54 - Causing or permitting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC56 - Inciting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
MR09 - Disqualification due to reckless and dangerous driving
MR19 - Disqualification due to wilful failure to carry out the obligation placed on drivers after being involved in road accidents
MR29 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other substance affecting the mental and physical abilities
MR39 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle faster than permitted speed
MR49 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle whilst disqualified
MR59 - Disqualification due to other conduct constituting an offence for which a driving disqualification has been imposed for 6 or more months
MS10 - Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS12 - Aiding and abetting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS14 - Causing or permitting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS16 - Inciting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS20 - Unlawful pillion riding
MS22 - Aiding and abetting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS24 - Causing or permitting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS26 - Inciting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS30 - Play street offences
MS32 - Aiding and abetting MS30 play street offences
MS34 - Causing or permitting MS30 play street offences
MS36 - Inciting MS30 play street offences
MS40 - Driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS42 - Aiding and abetting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS44 - Causing or permitting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS46 - Inciting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS50 - Motor racing on the highway
MS52 - Aiding and abetting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS54 - Causing or permitting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS56 - Inciting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS60 - Offences not covered by other codes
MS62 - Aiding and abetting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS64 - Causing or permitting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS66 - Inciting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS70 - Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS72 - Aiding and abetting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS74 - Causing or permitting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS76 - Inciting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS80 - Refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS82 - Aiding and abetting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS84 - Causing or permitting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS86 - Inciting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS90 - Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS92 - Aiding and abetting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS94 - Causing or permitting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS96 - Inciting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MW10 - Contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW12 - Aiding and abetting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW14 - Causing or permitting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW16 - Inciting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
PC10 - Undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC12 - Aiding and abetting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC14 - Causing or permitting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC16 - Inciting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC20 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC22 - Aiding and abetting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC24 - Causing or permitting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC26 - Inciting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC30 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC32 - Aiding and abetting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC34 - Causing or permitting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC36 - Inciting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PL40 - Drawing unauthorised trailer
PL42 - Aiding and abetting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL44 - Causing or permitting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL46 - Inciting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL50 - Undefined provisional offence
PL52 - Aiding and abetting PL50 undefined provisional offence
PL54 - Causing or permitting PL50 undefined provisional offence
PL56 - Inciting PL50 undefined provisional offence
SP10 - Exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP12 - Aiding and abetting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP14 - Causing or permitting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP16 - Inciting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP20 - Exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP22 - Aiding and abetting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP24 - Causing or permitting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP26 - Inciting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP30 - Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP32 - Aiding and abetting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP34 - Causing or permitting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP36 - Inciting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP40 - Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP42 - Aiding and abetting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP44 - Causing or permitting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP46 - Inciting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP50 - Exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP52 - Aiding and abetting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP54 - Causing or permitting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP56 - Inciting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
TS10 - Failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS12 - Aiding and abetting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS14 - Causing or permitting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS16 - Inciting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS20 - Failing to comply with double white lines
TS22 - Aiding and abetting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS24 - Causing or permitting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS26 - Inciting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS30 - Failing to comply with stop sign
TS32 - Aiding and abetting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS34 - Causing or permitting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS36 - Inciting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS40 - Failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS42 - Aiding and abetting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS44 - Causing or permitting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS46 - Inciting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS50 - Failing to comply with traffic sign
TS52 - Aiding and abetting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS54 - Causing or permitting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS56 - Inciting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS60 - Failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS62 - Aiding and abetting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS64 - Causing or permitting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS66 - Inciting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS70 - Undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS72 - Aiding and abetting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS74 - Causing or permitting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS76 - Inciting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TT99 - Totting up disqualification when total points reach 12 or more
UT10 - Taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT12 - Aiding and abetting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT14 - Causing or permitting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT16 - Inciting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT30 - Going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT32 - Aiding and abetting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT34 - Causing or permitting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT36 - Inciting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT50 - Aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT52 - Aiding and abetting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT54 - Causing or permitting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT56 - Inciting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
When did the Offence happen?
Points incurred:
Did you pay a fine?
How many months were you banned?
Do you have any No Claim Bonus Discount? *
How many years of No Claim Discount do you have?
When would you like your insurance to start?
Mobile Number
Your Email Address:
Do you want to Add 2nd Driver?
2nd Driver Details:
What is their title?
Please Select Option
Their First Name:
Their Last Name:
Their Date Of Birth:
Their Marital Status:
Select Their Marital Status
What is their relationship to you?
Select Their relationship to you?
Partner/Common Law
Spouse (Husband or Wife)
Civil Partner
Family Member
Business Partner
Son or Daughter
Brother Or Sister
Their Job Title:
When did they start living in UK?
Since Birth
From Date
What is their License type?
Select License Type
Full UK Manual
Full UK Automatic
UK Provisional (L Only)
Full Euro
Date of Pass:
Their License Number:
Did They have any accidents (fault or none fault), Theft, Fire, Storm, Flood or vandalism damage in the last 5 years ? *
Add 1st Accident:
What kind of incident or claim was it?
Please Select Option
Accident At Full
Accident Not At Fault
Accident Both Parties Of Fault (50-50)
Not Settled Accident
Vandalism Damage
Wind Screen Cover
Incident date:
Total claim cost:
Do you want to add another accident?
Add 2nd Accident:
What kind of incident or claim was it?
Please Select Option
Accident At Full
Accident Not At Fault
Accident Both Parties Of Fault (50-50)
Not Settled Accident
Vandalism Damage
Wind Screen Cover
Incident date:
Total claim cost:
Did They Have any points or disqualification in the last 5 years? *
1st Offence :
What is the DVLA offence code?
Please Select Option
AC10 - Failing to stop after an accident
AC12 - Aiding and abetting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC14 - Causing or permitting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC16 - Inciting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC20 - Failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC22 - Aiding and abetting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC24 - Causing or permitting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC26 - Inciting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC30 - Undefined accident offences
AC32 - Aiding and abetting AC30 undefined accident offences
AC34 - Causing or permitting AC30 undefined accident offences
AC36 - Inciting AC30 undefined accident offences
BA10 - Driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA12 - Aiding and abetting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA14 - Causing or permitting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA16 - Inciting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA20 - Driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA22 - Aiding and abetting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA24 - Causing or permitting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA26 - Inciting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA30 - Attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA32 - Aiding and abetting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA34 - Causing or permitting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA36 - Inciting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
CD10 - Driving without due care and attention
CD12 - Aiding and abetting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD14 - Causing or permitting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD16 - Inciting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD20 - Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD22 - Aiding and abetting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD24 - Causing or permitting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD26 - Inciting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD30 - Driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD32 - Aiding and abetting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD34 - Causing or permitting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD36 - Inciting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD40 - Causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD42 - Aiding and abetting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD44 - Causing or permitting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD46 - Inciting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD50 - Causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD52 - Aiding and abetting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD54 - Causing or permitting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD56 - Inciting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD60 - Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD62 - Aiding and abetting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD64 - Causing or permitting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD66 - Inciting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD70 - Cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD71 - Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis
CD72 - Aiding and abetting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD74 - Causing or permitting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD76 - Inciting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD80 - Causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving
CD90 - Causing death by driving unlicensed, uninsured or disqualified"
CU10 - Using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU12 - Aiding and abetting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU14 - Causing or permitting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU16 - Inciting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU20 - Use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU22 - Aiding and abetting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU24 - Causing or permitting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU26 - Inciting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU30 - Using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU32 - Aiding and abetting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU34 - Causing or permitting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU36 - Inciting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU40 - Using a vehicle with defective steering
CU42 - Aiding and abetting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU44 - Causing or permitting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU46 - Inciting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU50 - Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU52 - Aiding and abetting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU54 - Causing or permitting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU56 - Inciting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU60 - An undefined construction and use conviction
CU62 - Aiding and abetting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU64 - Causing or permitting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU66 - Inciting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU80 - Use of a hand held device whilst driving
CU84 - Causing or permitting the use of a hand held device whilst driving
DD10 - Driving in a dangerous manner
DD12 - Aiding and abetting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD14 - Causing or permitting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD16 - Inciting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD40 - Dangerous driving
DD42 - Aiding and abetting DD40 dangerous driving
DD44 - Causing or permitting DD40 dangerous driving
DD46 - Inciting DD40 dangerous driving
DD50 - Causing death by dangerous driving
DD52 - Aiding and abetting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD54 - Causing or permitting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD56 - Inciting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD60 - Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD62 - Aiding and abetting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD64 - Causing or permitting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD66 - Inciting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD70 - Causing death by reckless driving
DD72 - Aiding and abetting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD74 - Causing or permitting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD76 - Inciting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD80 - Causing death by dangerous driving
DD82 - Aiding and abetting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD84 - Causing or permitting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD86 - Inciting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD90 - Furious driving
DD92 - Aiding and abetting DD90 furious driving
DD94 - Causing or permitting DD90 furious driving
DD96 - Inciting DD90 furious driving
DG10 - Driving with drug level above specified limit
DG12 - Aiding and abetting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG14 - Causing or permitting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG16 - Inciting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG40 - In charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG42 - Aiding and abetting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG44 - Causing or permitting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG46 - Inciting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG60 - Causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG62 - Aiding and abetting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG64 - Causing or permitting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG66 - Inciting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DR10 - Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR12 - Aiding and abetting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR14 - Causing or permitting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR16 - Inciting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR20 - Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR22 - Aiding and abetting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR24 - Causing or permitting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR26 - Inciting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR30 - Driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR31 - Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis
DR32 - Aiding and abetting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR34 - Causing or permitting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR36 - Inciting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR40 - In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR42 - Aiding and abetting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR44 - Causing or permitting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR46 - Inciting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR50 - In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR52 - Aiding and abetting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR54 - Causing or permitting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR56 - Inciting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR60 - In charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR61 - Failure to provide a specimen for drug analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive
DR62 - Aiding and abetting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR64 - Causing or permitting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR66 - Inciting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR70 - Failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR72 - Aiding and abetting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR74 - Causing or permitting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR76 - Inciting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR80 - Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR82 - Aiding and abetting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR84 - Causing or inciting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR86 - Inciting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR90 - In charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR92 - Aiding and abetting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR94 - Causing or permitting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR96 - Inciting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
IN10 - Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN12 - Aiding and abetting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN14 - Causing or permitting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN16 - Inciting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
LC20 - Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC22 - Aiding and abetting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC24 - Causing permitting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC26 - Inciting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC30 - Driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC32 - Aiding and abetting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC34 - Causing or permitting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC36 - Inciting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC40 - Driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC42 - Aiding and abetting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC44 - Causing or permitting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC46 - Inciting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC50 - Driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC52 - Aiding and abetting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC54 - Causing or permitting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC56 - Inciting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
MR09 - Disqualification due to reckless and dangerous driving
MR19 - Disqualification due to wilful failure to carry out the obligation placed on drivers after being involved in road accidents
MR29 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other substance affecting the mental and physical abilities
MR39 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle faster than permitted speed
MR49 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle whilst disqualified
MR59 - Disqualification due to other conduct constituting an offence for which a driving disqualification has been imposed for 6 or more months
MS10 - Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS12 - Aiding and abetting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS14 - Causing or permitting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS16 - Inciting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS20 - Unlawful pillion riding
MS22 - Aiding and abetting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS24 - Causing or permitting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS26 - Inciting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS30 - Play street offences
MS32 - Aiding and abetting MS30 play street offences
MS34 - Causing or permitting MS30 play street offences
MS36 - Inciting MS30 play street offences
MS40 - Driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS42 - Aiding and abetting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS44 - Causing or permitting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS46 - Inciting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS50 - Motor racing on the highway
MS52 - Aiding and abetting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS54 - Causing or permitting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS56 - Inciting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS60 - Offences not covered by other codes
MS62 - Aiding and abetting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS64 - Causing or permitting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS66 - Inciting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS70 - Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS72 - Aiding and abetting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS74 - Causing or permitting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS76 - Inciting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS80 - Refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS82 - Aiding and abetting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS84 - Causing or permitting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS86 - Inciting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS90 - Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS92 - Aiding and abetting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS94 - Causing or permitting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS96 - Inciting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MW10 - Contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW12 - Aiding and abetting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW14 - Causing or permitting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW16 - Inciting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
PC10 - Undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC12 - Aiding and abetting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC14 - Causing or permitting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC16 - Inciting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC20 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC22 - Aiding and abetting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC24 - Causing or permitting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC26 - Inciting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC30 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC32 - Aiding and abetting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC34 - Causing or permitting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC36 - Inciting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PL40 - Drawing unauthorised trailer
PL42 - Aiding and abetting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL44 - Causing or permitting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL46 - Inciting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL50 - Undefined provisional offence
PL52 - Aiding and abetting PL50 undefined provisional offence
PL54 - Causing or permitting PL50 undefined provisional offence
PL56 - Inciting PL50 undefined provisional offence
SP10 - Exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP12 - Aiding and abetting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP14 - Causing or permitting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP16 - Inciting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP20 - Exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP22 - Aiding and abetting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP24 - Causing or permitting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP26 - Inciting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP30 - Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP32 - Aiding and abetting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP34 - Causing or permitting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP36 - Inciting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP40 - Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP42 - Aiding and abetting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP44 - Causing or permitting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP46 - Inciting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP50 - Exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP52 - Aiding and abetting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP54 - Causing or permitting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP56 - Inciting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
TS10 - Failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS12 - Aiding and abetting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS14 - Causing or permitting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS16 - Inciting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS20 - Failing to comply with double white lines
TS22 - Aiding and abetting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS24 - Causing or permitting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS26 - Inciting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS30 - Failing to comply with stop sign
TS32 - Aiding and abetting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS34 - Causing or permitting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS36 - Inciting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS40 - Failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS42 - Aiding and abetting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS44 - Causing or permitting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS46 - Inciting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS50 - Failing to comply with traffic sign
TS52 - Aiding and abetting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS54 - Causing or permitting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS56 - Inciting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS60 - Failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS62 - Aiding and abetting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS64 - Causing or permitting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS66 - Inciting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS70 - Undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS72 - Aiding and abetting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS74 - Causing or permitting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS76 - Inciting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TT99 - Totting up disqualification when total points reach 12 or more
UT10 - Taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT12 - Aiding and abetting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT14 - Causing or permitting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT16 - Inciting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT30 - Going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT32 - Aiding and abetting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT34 - Causing or permitting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT36 - Inciting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT50 - Aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT52 - Aiding and abetting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT54 - Causing or permitting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT56 - Inciting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
When did the Offence happen?
Points incurred:
Did you a pay fine?
How many months you got banned?
Do you want to add another Offence?
2st Offence :
What is the DVLA offence code?
Please Select Option
AC10 - Failing to stop after an accident
AC12 - Aiding and abetting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC14 - Causing or permitting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC16 - Inciting AC10 failing to stop after an accident
AC20 - Failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC22 - Aiding and abetting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC24 - Causing or permitting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC26 - Inciting AC20 failing to give particulars or to report an accident within 24 hours
AC30 - Undefined accident offences
AC32 - Aiding and abetting AC30 undefined accident offences
AC34 - Causing or permitting AC30 undefined accident offences
AC36 - Inciting AC30 undefined accident offences
BA10 - Driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA12 - Aiding and abetting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA14 - Causing or permitting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA16 - Inciting BA10 driving whilst disqualified by order of court
BA20 - Driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA22 - Aiding and abetting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA24 - Causing or permitting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA26 - Inciting BA20 driving whilst disqualified by reason of age
BA30 - Attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA32 - Aiding and abetting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA34 - Causing or permitting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
BA36 - Inciting BA30 attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court
CD10 - Driving without due care and attention
CD12 - Aiding and abetting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD14 - Causing or permitting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD16 - Inciting CD10 driving without due care and attention
CD20 - Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD22 - Aiding and abetting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD24 - Causing or permitting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD26 - Inciting CD20 driving without reasonable consideration for other road users
CD30 - Driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD32 - Aiding and abetting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD34 - Causing or permitting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD36 - Inciting CD30 driving without due care and without reasonable consideration
CD40 - Causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD42 - Aiding and abetting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD44 - Causing or permitting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD46 - Inciting CD40 causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink
CD50 - Causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD52 - Aiding and abetting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD54 - Causing or permitting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD56 - Inciting CD50 causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs
CD60 - Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD62 - Aiding and abetting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD64 - Causing or permitting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD66 - Inciting CD60 causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit
CD70 - Cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD71 - Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis
CD72 - Aiding and abetting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD74 - Causing or permitting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD76 - Inciting CD70 cause death by careless driving failing to supply specimen for analysis
CD80 - Causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving
CD90 - Causing death by driving unlicensed, uninsured or disqualified"
CU10 - Using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU12 - Aiding and abetting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU14 - Causing or permitting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU16 - Inciting CU10 using a vehicle with defective brakes
CU20 - Use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU22 - Aiding and abetting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU24 - Causing or permitting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU26 - Inciting CU20 use of unsuitable vehicle or vehicle parts in a dangerous condition
CU30 - Using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU32 - Aiding and abetting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU34 - Causing or permitting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU36 - Inciting CU30 using a vehicle with defective tyres
CU40 - Using a vehicle with defective steering
CU42 - Aiding and abetting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU44 - Causing or permitting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU46 - Inciting CU40 using a vehicle with defective steering
CU50 - Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU52 - Aiding and abetting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU54 - Causing or permitting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU56 - Inciting CU50 causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers
CU60 - An undefined construction and use conviction
CU62 - Aiding and abetting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU64 - Causing or permitting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU66 - Inciting CU60 an undefined construction and use conviction
CU80 - Use of a hand held device whilst driving
CU84 - Causing or permitting the use of a hand held device whilst driving
DD10 - Driving in a dangerous manner
DD12 - Aiding and abetting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD14 - Causing or permitting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD16 - Inciting DD10 driving in a dangerous manner
DD40 - Dangerous driving
DD42 - Aiding and abetting DD40 dangerous driving
DD44 - Causing or permitting DD40 dangerous driving
DD46 - Inciting DD40 dangerous driving
DD50 - Causing death by dangerous driving
DD52 - Aiding and abetting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD54 - Causing or permitting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD56 - Inciting DD50 causing death by dangerous driving
DD60 - Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD62 - Aiding and abetting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD64 - Causing or permitting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD66 - Inciting DD60 manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle
DD70 - Causing death by reckless driving
DD72 - Aiding and abetting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD74 - Causing or permitting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD76 - Inciting DD70 causing death by reckless driving
DD80 - Causing death by dangerous driving
DD82 - Aiding and abetting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD84 - Causing or permitting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD86 - Inciting DD80 causing death by dangerous driving
DD90 - Furious driving
DD92 - Aiding and abetting DD90 furious driving
DD94 - Causing or permitting DD90 furious driving
DD96 - Inciting DD90 furious driving
DG10 - Driving with drug level above specified limit
DG12 - Aiding and abetting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG14 - Causing or permitting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG16 - Inciting DG10 driving with drug level above specified limit
DG40 - In charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG42 - Aiding and abetting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG44 - Causing or permitting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG46 - Inciting DG40 in charge of a vehicle while above specified limit
DG60 - Causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG62 - Aiding and abetting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG64 - Causing or permitting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DG66 - Inciting DG60 causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit
DR10 - Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR12 - Aiding and abetting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR14 - Causing or permitting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR16 - Inciting DR10 driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit
DR20 - Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR22 - Aiding and abetting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR24 - Causing or permitting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR26 - Inciting DR20 driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink
DR30 - Driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR31 - Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for drug analysis
DR32 - Aiding and abetting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR34 - Causing or permitting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR36 - Inciting DR30 driving or attempting to drive failing to supply a specimen for analysis
DR40 - In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR42 - Aiding and abetting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR44 - Causing or permitting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR46 - Inciting DR40 in charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit
DR50 - In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR52 - Aiding and abetting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR54 - Causing or permitting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR56 - Inciting DR50 in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink
DR60 - In charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR61 - Failure to provide a specimen for drug analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive
DR62 - Aiding and abetting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR64 - Causing or permitting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR66 - Inciting DR60 in charge of a vehicle and or refusing a specimen for analysis
DR70 - Failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR72 - Aiding and abetting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR74 - Causing or permitting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR76 - Inciting DR70 failing to provide specimen for breath test
DR80 - Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR82 - Aiding and abetting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR84 - Causing or inciting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR86 - Inciting DR80 driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs
DR90 - In charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR92 - Aiding and abetting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR94 - Causing or permitting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
DR96 - Inciting DR90 in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs
IN10 - Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN12 - Aiding and abetting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN14 - Causing or permitting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
IN16 - Inciting IN10 using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks
LC20 - Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC22 - Aiding and abetting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC24 - Causing permitting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC26 - Inciting LC20 driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence
LC30 - Driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC32 - Aiding and abetting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC34 - Causing or permitting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC36 - Inciting LC30 driving after a false declaration about health when applying for licence
LC40 - Driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC42 - Aiding and abetting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC44 - Causing or permitting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC46 - Inciting LC40 driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability
LC50 - Driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC52 - Aiding and abetting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC54 - Causing or permitting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
LC56 - Inciting LC50 driving after a licence has been revoked or refused on medical grounds
MR09 - Disqualification due to reckless and dangerous driving
MR19 - Disqualification due to wilful failure to carry out the obligation placed on drivers after being involved in road accidents
MR29 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other substance affecting the mental and physical abilities
MR39 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle faster than permitted speed
MR49 - Disqualification due to driving a vehicle whilst disqualified
MR59 - Disqualification due to other conduct constituting an offence for which a driving disqualification has been imposed for 6 or more months
MS10 - Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS12 - Aiding and abetting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS14 - Causing or permitting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS16 - Inciting MS10 leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position
MS20 - Unlawful pillion riding
MS22 - Aiding and abetting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS24 - Causing or permitting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS26 - Inciting MS20 unlawful pillion riding
MS30 - Play street offences
MS32 - Aiding and abetting MS30 play street offences
MS34 - Causing or permitting MS30 play street offences
MS36 - Inciting MS30 play street offences
MS40 - Driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS42 - Aiding and abetting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS44 - Causing or permitting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS46 - Inciting MS40 driving with defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test
MS50 - Motor racing on the highway
MS52 - Aiding and abetting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS54 - Causing or permitting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS56 - Inciting MS50 motor racing on the highway
MS60 - Offences not covered by other codes
MS62 - Aiding and abetting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS64 - Causing or permitting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS66 - Inciting MS60 offences not covered by other codes
MS70 - Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS72 - Aiding and abetting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS74 - Causing or permitting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS76 - Inciting MS70 driving with uncorrected defective eyesight
MS80 - Refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS82 - Aiding and abetting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS84 - Causing or permitting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS86 - Inciting MS80 refusing to submit to an eyesight test
MS90 - Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS92 - Aiding and abetting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS94 - Causing or permitting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MS96 - Inciting MS90 failure to give information as to identity of driver etc
MW10 - Contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW12 - Aiding and abetting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW14 - Causing or permitting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
MW16 - Inciting MW10 contravention of special roads regulations excluding speed limits
PC10 - Undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC12 - Aiding and abetting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC14 - Causing or permitting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC16 - Inciting PC10 undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations
PC20 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC22 - Aiding and abetting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC24 - Causing or permitting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC26 - Inciting PC20 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle
PC30 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC32 - Aiding and abetting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC34 - Causing or permitting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PC36 - Inciting PC30 contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle
PL40 - Drawing unauthorised trailer
PL42 - Aiding and abetting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL44 - Causing or permitting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL46 - Inciting PL40 drawing unauthorised trailer
PL50 - Undefined provisional offence
PL52 - Aiding and abetting PL50 undefined provisional offence
PL54 - Causing or permitting PL50 undefined provisional offence
PL56 - Inciting PL50 undefined provisional offence
SP10 - Exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP12 - Aiding and abetting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP14 - Causing or permitting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP16 - Inciting SP10 exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
SP20 - Exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP22 - Aiding and abetting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP24 - Causing or permitting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP26 - Inciting SP20 exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle
SP30 - Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP32 - Aiding and abetting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP34 - Causing or permitting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP36 - Inciting SP30 exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
SP40 - Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP42 - Aiding and abetting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP44 - Causing or permitting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP46 - Inciting SP40 exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
SP50 - Exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP52 - Aiding and abetting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP54 - Causing or permitting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
SP56 - Inciting SP50 exceeding speed limit on a motorway
TS10 - Failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS12 - Aiding and abetting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS14 - Causing or permitting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS16 - Inciting TS10 failing to comply with traffic light signals
TS20 - Failing to comply with double white lines
TS22 - Aiding and abetting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS24 - Causing or permitting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS26 - Inciting TS20 failing to comply with double white lines
TS30 - Failing to comply with stop sign
TS32 - Aiding and abetting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS34 - Causing or permitting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS36 - Inciting TS30 failing to comply with stop sign
TS40 - Failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS42 - Aiding and abetting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS44 - Causing or permitting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS46 - Inciting TS40 failing to comply with direction of a constable warden
TS50 - Failing to comply with traffic sign
TS52 - Aiding and abetting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS54 - Causing or permitting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS56 - Inciting TS50 failing to comply with traffic sign
TS60 - Failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS62 - Aiding and abetting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS64 - Causing or permitting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS66 - Inciting TS60 failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign
TS70 - Undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS72 - Aiding and abetting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS74 - Causing or permitting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TS76 - Inciting TS70 undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign
TT99 - Totting up disqualification when total points reach 12 or more
UT10 - Taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT12 - Aiding and abetting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT14 - Causing or permitting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT16 - Inciting UT10 taking and driving away a vehicle without consent
UT30 - Going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT32 - Aiding and abetting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT34 - Causing or permitting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT36 - Inciting UT30 going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle
UT50 - Aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT52 - Aiding and abetting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT54 - Causing or permitting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
UT56 - Inciting UT50 aggravated taking of a vehicle
When did the Offence happen?
Points incurred:
Did you a pay fine?
How many months you got banned?
Do You Have Something else to Tell Us
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